The information is from official website of games and contracts.
The key data will show you the key indicators of the game.
Fishy Tank is an NFT ecosystem, where you own beautiful unique Fishes and earn FishyEgg Tokens by taking care them.
There are 2 tokens in Fishy Tank ecosystem: FishyTank Token (FTE) and FishyEgg Token (FEG). FTE and FEG are developed on the Binance Smart Chain platform.
Players can earn FEG token as rewards when taking care Fishes. Produce new Fishy NFTs by breeding feature and trade Fishy NFTs in marketplace by FTE token.
Our mission is to create a fair ecosystem with a lot of minigames, exciting activities. We think toward the benefit of player community and long term relationship.
The information is from official websites of games and contracts.
The information is from official website of games and contracts.