Build your deck of NFT cards, Crush your opponents
Card Collectible PVP



Game Info

The information is from official website of games and contracts.

Game Name
Game Type
Card Collectible PVP
Run Platform
Official Website
Free To Play
Token Price
Contract Address

Key Data

The key data will show you the key indicators of the game.

Total Player
Transaction 24H

Game Intro

Kardomance is a competitive turn per turn card game where players use a deck of 30 cards to face their opponents.

To win, you have to summon cards using mana, cards can be creatures, spell or weapons, you need to use them intelligently to reduce the health points (HP) of your opponents to 0.

Some unique features in Kardomance’s gameplay :
? The battleground is splitted in 2 parts
? Deck fragments : deck fragments are composed of 15 cards, a deck is made of two deck fragments
? Evolutive abilities : heroes you play in Kardomance, own unique abilities which evolve during each games

Development of a game :
? At the start of the each game, two bonuses are choosen by the players, each bonus is applied to one side of the battleground (example of
a bonus : “spell damage +1”)
? Then players need to ban a deck fragment from the other player
? Players then select 2 deck fragments to play and a starting ability for their hero
? The first player start with 1 mana that he can use to summon cards, when he finish his turn, the turn of the second player can start.
? The game ends when a player have is HP reduced to 0

Game modes

Ranked Mode
Constructed Event

Free-to-play Event
In the weekly free to play event, players can choose a deck to play from the 4 weekly decklists (without the need of owning the cards) The player then fight against other event participants to accumulate wins and earn NFT rewards.

Token Info

The information is from official websites of games and contracts.

Airdrop List

The information is from official website of games and contracts.