The information is from official website of games and contracts.
The key data will show you the key indicators of the game.
Salsa Valley Game - is an NFT and crypto Mooniverse based on the animated series ?Salsa Valley Stories? (funny meme-cartoon about cryptoworld). ?
1. Create, explore and trade in the virtual cryptoworld owned by its users.
Salsa Valley is a valley in Mexico, but in a parallel Universe, the virtual crypto Mooniverse, which is powered by blockchain. It's an online NFT game, but with a focus on social and economic interactions between crypto-enthusiastic users.
Users can communicate, attend lectures about blockchain technology, open representations of their own blockchain projects, explore the crypto-world, create new objects in it, and earn Salsa Tokens for their game actions.
To join the game you need a computer or smartphone, the Internet and a decentralized cryptocurrency wallet (e.g., Metamask / Trust Wallet).
?2. Lose yourself in an amazing, evolving world
Explore Salsa Valley owned by users to experience incredible scenes and structures, crafted from the minds of community members.
3. Test the limits of your imagination
Create scenes, artworks, challenges and more, using the simple Builder tool, then take part in events to win prizes. For more experienced creators, the SVG provides the tools to fill the world with social games and applications.
4. The virtual destination for digital assets
Buy and sell Estates, Avatar wearables and names in the Salsa Valley Marketplace: stocking the very best digital goods and paraphernalia backed by the Binance Smart Chain.
The development of the game is in the technical scenario stage.
We already have the first part of minted NFT characters, items and estate, based on our cartoon series and placed on three TOP NFT marketplaces, which are also our official partners: Treasureland, JGN and Babylons.
The information is from official websites of games and contracts.
The information is from official website of games and contracts.