The information is from official website of games and contracts.
The key data will show you the key indicators of the game.
The Fabled is a blockchain-based, action RPG that allows players to explore and experience the world of The Fabled. Players can choose from a variety of worlds to explore and fight their way through a series of levels where they will encounter a variety of enemies and bosses. Trade and collect weapons, craft ingredients and items, and use them in battle. Trading will take place within the blockchain involving reward tokens which you earn playing and possibly other tokens that correlate with The Fabled, the possibilities are endless.
We aim to give players creative control over their rewards, allowing them to craft new items to aid them in battle. The goal is to host a marketplace where players can trade weapons, characters and other items. More information on the nuances of this mechanic will be released as the release date approaches.
The information is from official websites of games and contracts.
The information is from official website of games and contracts.